Made from beef leather collagen, hardened through hygienically controlled processes. This kind of casings are offered straight and curved.
OMAR H. DE STEFANO S.R.L. exclusively represents Fibran and Edible in Argentina, the most prestigious collagen casings manufacturer in the world.
CALIBERS: Ø 30-140mm
DELIVERY: Reels of shirred stick with RTU (=ready to use) treatment. No previous soaking required.
CALIBERS: Ø 24-60mm
DELIVERY: Reels of shirred stick with RTU (=ready to use) treatment. No previous soaking required.
These casings have a balanced ammount of humidity, and can therefore be used directly without previous soaking.
CALIBERS: Ø 16, 19, 21, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 34, 36, 38 y 40mm.
DELIVERY: Shirred, 20 m. sticks
Edible collagen casings, specially designed for the production of all kinds of fresh/ cooked sausages.
- No flavour changes.
- Edible, straight and pleasant natural bite.
- Great meat adherence.
- Regular caliber.
- No previous soaking.
- Low manipulation cost.